• info@nsi.co.id
  • Menara Jamsostek 17th Floor Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto No. 38 Jakarta Selatan 12710

GIS Application Development

Geographic Information System

NSI provides GIS application development services on various platform and technologies. We understand the customer requirements and we can provide a complete solutions suite to meet their business challenges and for more effectively work.

Our GIS application development services are available on web (web-GIS), mobile native and enterprise environment. With expertise in geographic information systems, database design, application development, and also in integrating applications with industry-standard technologies, our GIS Solutions is able to deliver timely, high quality, innovative GIS-based solutions.

The technologies for GIS application development based on Esri product are:

  • ArcGIS Enterprise (ArcGIS Server)
  • ArcGIS Online
  • ArcGIS APIs

And for customer who very concerned about the license subscription costs, we provide open-source technologies by using:

  • Leaflet, a map library
  • PostgreSQL with PostGIS extension, for geo-database and GIS analysis
  • Geoserver, for viewing a dense and complex spatial data on the web page
  • Google Maps API
  • Here API
Application Development