• info@nsi.co.id
  • Menara Jamsostek 17th Floor Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto No. 38 Jakarta Selatan 12710

Dassault Systemes - Catia

Engineering Application and Manufacturing Solution

This new Dassault Systèmes’ CATIA R2022x delivers new roles and enhancements for designers, engineers, systems engineers and construction professionals. Each new role or enhancement is developed to make your job easier and more effective at creating innovative products or experiences to shape the world we live in.

ICEM Design Experience
Human Exprerience Designer
Product Perception Experience
Collaborative Designer for CATIA V5
Eco-Design Engineer
Weight & Balance Manager or Designer
Airframe Fastener Engineer
Electrical 3D System & Manufacturing Engineer
Systems Tracebility Analyst Systems Tracebility Engineer